Transportation of patients to health facilities is
vital to healthcare delivery in every country.
Timely transportation of patients in dire need of
healthcare to health facilities is a necessity.
However, transportation of patients in critical conditions to health
facilities, from mostly remote areas in Ghana is still inadequate.
Over the years, government’s commitment through the
National Ambulance Service and efforts of mostly mission health facilities
operating in remote areas of the country as well as the work of some NGOs to
provide quick means of transportation of patients to health facilities is
commendable but which still needs more work to close the transportation gap of
patients in need of healthcare in the rural areas to health facilities.
The presentation of 13 improvised
tricycle ambulances by MAZA to help improve healthcare
delivery in the Chereponi District of the Northern Region has come as an
answer to the yawning gap of providing patients with fast, timely and reliable transportation
to health facilities.

of the 13 tricycle ambulance at the launch.
to Urgent Health Care
In most rural areas of Ghana, studies indicate that sick
people trying to urgently get to hospitals or health facilities, face
obstacles such as long distances of about 30 kilometres or more that takes
over four hours to cross. Some of these routes and paths, which are impassable
roads, with few motorized vehicles and unreliable transportation service, come
at a high price.
Often time, the lack of money to pay for appropriate scares
transportation, further compounds the conditions of the patient and delays the
time by which they get to the health facilities.
According to health experts the phenomenon is one of
the most crucial root causes of the disparity of urban-rural premature deaths
in Ghana, especially for the most vulnerable members of the population
including pregnant women and infants.
Thus MAZA’s initiative, which seeks to reduce the
incidence of such preventable deaths by providing an innovative social
enterprise transportation solution at the community level that is safe,
accessible, affordable and reliable, has come as an answered prayer to the many
rural dwellers.
is MAZA?
MAZA is a Hausa word which means quickly. The
initiative basically focuses on establishing a transportation network for
urgent health care needs in remote areas of Ghana, while creating
income-generating opportunities for drivers, traders and farmers.
With the commencement of operation of motorized
passenger tricycles in Chereponi District to serve the health needs of most of the
53,000 population size of the district, MAZA has a vision and prospect to scale
up to cover more communities in the next few years, and extend its services to
other rural districts in Ghana.
The 13 tricycle ambulances,
worth GH¢104,000, will no doubt help bridge the gap between patients urgently
in need of healthcare and healthcare providers trying to provide life-saving care
to patients in time.
The vehicles are multi-purpose by design to meet the
immense transportation needs of the rural communities and ensure reliability of
the health transportation service through mobile technology and a roster system
for drivers.

* A
pictorial steps of how the Ambulance will operate
According to Dr. Nana A. Y. Twum-Danso, Founder and Chief
Executive Officer of MAZA the introduction of the tricycle
ambulances, to transport patients in remote rural communities would make it possible
for people to access health care at the health posts in the district on time.
She explained that the
operation of the ambulances which would be based at the community level would
complement the work of the National Ambulance Service (NAS) by positioning its
vehicles in the communities.
Dr. Twum-Danso, bemoaned
the burden sick people trying to access health facilities in remote areas faced,
in covering long distances, using impassable roads, few motorised vehicles,
unreliable transportation services and lack of money to pay for appropriate
transportation. These challenges sometimes cause avoidable complications and
deaths, if patients in these areas received timely means of transport to the
health facilities.
Hajia Mary Nakobu, Chereponi
District Chief Executive, said most of the maternal and infant mortalities in
the district occurred as a result of lack of transportation to get the
expectant mothers and infants to the health centres.
She expressed the hope that
the MAZA ambulances would help improve the health needs of the people in the
district, particularly those living in communities far from the district
The Chereponi District
Health Director, Dr Stephen Dadia, commended MAZA for the initiative and
expressed optimism that would contribute greatly to reducing infant and
maternal deaths in the district.
Dr. Anita Appiah, who
represented the National Catholic Health Service also commended efforts of MAZA
to reduce avoidable deaths (including maternal and infants death) and bring healthcare
to the door steps of the people.
To achieve its vision, Maza continues to partner with
the Ghana Health Service, Chereponi District Health Administration and the
District Assembly, National Ambulance Service and National Catholic Health
Service, as well as the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Gender, Children and
Social Protection. Others include development partners, local chiefs, opinion
leaders, and other community members.